7 Advanced DIY Techniques for Clearing Sewer Blockages

Dealing with a clogged sewer can be a homeowner’s nightmare, but fear not—there are advanced do-it-yourself (DIY) techniques that can help you tackle this issue without calling in the professionals. In this guide, we’ll explore seven advanced methods to clear sewer blockages and restore the smooth flow of wastewater.

1. Hydro Jetting

Hydro jetting is a powerful and effective method that uses high-pressure water to break down and flush out blockages. By inserting a specialized nozzle into the sewer line, water is sprayed at extremely high pressures, dislodging debris and buildup. This method is particularly useful for removing grease, tree roots, and mineral deposits that might be causing the blockage. While hydro jetting equipment is available for rent, it’s crucial to follow safety guidelines and wear protective gear during the process.

2. Enzyme-based Drain Cleaners

Enzyme-based drain cleaners are an eco-friendly alternative that utilizes natural enzymes to break down organic materials within the sewer lines. These cleaners are particularly effective against soap scum, hair, and other organic substances. Regular use of enzyme-based cleaners can help prevent future blockages by maintaining a clean and free-flowing sewer system. Keep in mind that patience is key, as these cleaners may take some time to show results.

3. Sewer Camera Inspection

Before applying any DIY techniques, it’s crucial to identify the exact location and nature of the sewer blockage. A sewer camera inspection allows homeowners to visually inspect the inside of their sewer lines. By attaching a small camera to a flexible cable, you can navigate through the pipes and locate the blockage with precision. Once you’ve identified the issue, you can choose the most appropriate DIY method for clearing the obstruction.

4. Augers and Snakes

For blockages closer to the surface, a plumbing auger or snake can be a valuable tool. These devices are manually operated and work by either pushing or rotating a cable into the sewer line to break up or pull out the clog. Augers and snakes are particularly effective against minor obstructions caused by foreign objects or solidified debris. Ensure you have the right type of auger for your sewer line, as there are variations designed for different pipe sizes.

5. Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners containing strong acids or bases can be effective against certain types of blockages. However, they should be used with caution, as they can be harsh on pipes and harmful to the environment. Before using a chemical drain cleaner, be sure to read and follow the instructions carefully, and wear appropriate protective gear. Additionally, keep in mind that frequent use of these cleaners can lead to pipe damage over time.

6. Trenchless Sewer Repair

Trenchless sewer repair methods have gained popularity for their efficiency and minimal disruption to landscaping. If DIY efforts prove unsuccessful, trenchless options like pipe lining or pipe bursting allow homeowners to repair or replace damaged sections of the sewer line without extensive excavation. While these methods may require specialized equipment and expertise, they can be more cost-effective and less invasive than traditional excavation.

7. DIY Root Barrier Installation

Tree roots seeking water and nutrients can invade sewer lines, causing blockages and damage. To prevent this, consider installing a root barrier around your sewer line. Root barriers are made of materials that discourage root penetration, protecting your pipes from invasive plant roots. While this preventive measure may not address an existing blockage, it can be a long-term solution to avoid future issues.


Clearing sewer blockages may seem like a daunting task, but armed with these advanced DIY techniques, homeowners can confidently address common sewer problems. Remember to prioritize safety, follow guidelines carefully, and when in doubt, consult with a professional. With the right tools and techniques, you can keep your sewer system flowing smoothly and avoid costly repairs.